
After the sudden loss of my little scruffy terrier girl I knew I needed another dog in my life to love and help fill the void in our family. I went in search of a rescue dog that was around 12 months, male, Staffordshire type and the kind of dog I could do dog sports with. I didn’t want a girl, I didn’t want a huge dog and I certainly wasn’t looking for a one eyed dog. But then I came across Ruthless’ photos of Keeya … wow! She was magnificent! So regal and elegant, yet strong and serious; Ruth captured her in the most majestic way imaginable. Then there was the flip side of Keeya which was well and truly shown in the following pic with her head tilt, dopey, goofy face, huge “smile” and that permanent “wink” of hers…I was hooked, I HAD to meet her!

I came home two weeks later with newly adopted gorgeous 12mth Staffordshire cross boy … AND my 2.5yr old, Mastiff cross girl Keeya. Yes, Ruth got me with her stunning pics!

Keeya had an instant bond with my family and especially my kids. So goofy and playful, yet so nurturing and protecting of them. The slightest cry has her running to their side to check up on them. Such a gentle soul that even my 5yr old can walk and elderly family members can cuddle. She comes to every footy game the kids play, every road trip we take and snuggles up alongside every sick kid in need of hug; then jumps in the pool with them to romp and play when they are better! Everyone that meets her, even people afraid of big dogs, falls in love with her. I could not imagine out life without her now.
